«Veni, vermini, vomui», ¿llegué, me puse bolinga, vomité?

07 mar 08 Configuración de audio en una máquina virtual Windows 98

Seguimos con las máquinas virtuales de VMWare. Uno de los problemas que se producen al hacer la instalación de una máquina virtual Windows 98 SE en VMWare es que no hay audio. Las páginas de soporte de VMWare no dan mucha información al respecto, pero menos mal que siempre hay alguien por ahí que da con la tecla. En este caso, en un foro de Ubuntu: Getting sound running properly in VMware (Windows 98se Guest)


If you use Ensonic ES1371 support for sound then you need to install some PCI drivers in the virtual machine. When you are booted into Win98SE locate the file SBPCI_WebDrvsV5_12_01.exe on the Creative Labs website (SBPCI_WebDrvsV5_12_01.exe). Also download eapci8m.ecw. This is the 8m waveset and is much better than the default 2m waveset.

Copy eapci8m.ecw to c:\windows\system\ then Install SBPCI_WebDrvsV5_12_01.exe. Restart and let the hardware wizard do its thing. Next, go to the device manager (right click my computer -> properties) and find the area for sound. Go to SB PCI(WDM) and change the Midi Synthesizer Waveset to 8mb GM/GS Waveset ver 5. Things should work now. You may need to
add the lines -

pciSound.DAC1InterruptsPerSec = 0
pciSound.DAC2InterruptsPerSec = 0

to your windows 98.vmx file if the sound is way to fast or runs high pitched. Anyhow, you need these sound drivers if you want to have proper sound in your games. I initially tried the SB16 drivers but was getting a lot of popping and hissing. I hope that this all works for you.

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    Interesante, pero podrías poner la traducción? Hay cosas que se me escapan.

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